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  • Ernesto Saucedo

How To Keep Good Employees

Be flexible. Everyone has a life; kids games, birthdays, errands. Having an open direct communication with your employee will help coordinate those important events. After all there are more important things in life than work, and a great employee will appreciate that.

Pay on time. Golden rule, pay on time. Failing to do so it is a cardinal sin. Also , be direct and clear with the pay structure up front.

Don’t make it difficult. Some companies make their process very complicated, although procedures and rules are very important, keep In mind that you are not building rockets.

Keep your promises. This is very simple but as your business grows it becomes hard to keep. Always keep in writing your promises, put them in your calendar. Many times, promises are forgotten not because we do not want to keep them but because we forget them. Your employee will not forget it. If you promised that raise on that date, DO IT.

Appreciate them. Always keep in mind that the main reason your business is successful is because of them. Small details leave lasting impressions.

Promote growth opportunities. There will be employees that want to keep doing the same job, however there will also be a big percentage that want to learn more about the business. Create opportunities so they can grow in their careers. Even if they go on their own, be sure that they will tell others about the great experience that was working in your company.

Be truthful. Speak to them with the truth, if the business has some challenges tell them. You will not build loyalty by not being truthful.

Tools. Proper tools are essential, especially to replace them once it fulfills its lifespan. Companies often move the tool budget to the profit side because they see that a good employee take care of it thus punish them by not giving them new equipment.

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